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Showing posts from September, 2009

To Win Back An Ex Avoid Making These Two Mistakes

Why is it sometimes so difficult to win back an ex? No doubt you've tried your best to get your love back, but everything you've tried so far has ended in failure and now you're desperate and frustrated. Well the real answer of why it's difficult to win back an ex is really two fold. The first point is that once you've been dumped by someone you're still in love with the balance of power immediately shifts their way. The second point is that most people have no real idea what to do to successfully get back with someone they love and end up spending a great deal of time racing around doing all the wrong things. Truth is, once your ex has the upper hand in a relationship you can find yourself forever trying to catch up to them and both of you know it. If your ex knows that you want them back often times they will make you work to get them back and they will often enjoy the drama of putting you through getting them back. Plainly put, they have something that yo...

I Dumped Girlfriend And I Want Her Back

If you dumped girlfriend and you want her back, then you're going to have to move fast but not so fast that you make the classic mistakes that guys make when they're trying desperately to get back with their exs. If you want to get her back then I bet you've been sending her expensive gifts, trying desperately to get her attention and prove something to her about how you feel. Chances are none of that has worked, because to be honest it's pretty old hat and your girlfriend wants to see something more honest and much more innovative from you. A dumped girlfriend is likely out to make you jump through a few hoops before she takes you back, even if she desperately wants you back. And if you did dump her, it's going to be hard to argue against her feeling that way. You've without a doubt greatly hurt her feelings and her pride and she's going to exact some revenge for that. Depending on how desperate you are to get her back will tell you the level to which yo...

Im Still In Love My Ex Isnt - Rekindling Love When It Seems Unlikely

You may find yourself in a position where you can say "I'm still in love my ex is not interested", which is a difficult situation but unfortunately not an uncommon one. First of all, you cannot know for sure if your ex is or is not in love with you until you ask her. Your ex may even have said she doesn't love you anymore, and while this is possible, it is also possible that she's simply saying that. She may still be harboring feelings for you. Many couples who still hold a candle for each other will have break ups despite their strong feelings. So you might say "I'm still in love, my ex is not." But you cannot really know this for sure. If you can truly say, I'm still in love my ex, then there is a good chance that your ex may still also love you as well. This may not mean that getting back together quickly is a good idea, but the fact that you have feelings for one another is a good thing, and it means that eventually the relationship may be ca...

To Get Lover Back Show Some Tenderness

To get lover back you may have to try a little tenderness if the relationship ended with an explosion. Maybe the end of the marriage or the relationship resulted in a lot of hurt feelings and fights that resulted in some emotional pain. It could be there was something tragic that happened that caused the breakup. There may have been some wrong committed that caused humiliation for either party. Whatever the case, feelings were and probably still are hurt and if you want to get lover back, you will have to work gently and try to help heal the wounds that are there. To get lover back you may have to take a close look at both yourself and them. There may be some things about you and the way that you are likely to handle the situation that could make matters worse. It could be things that you don't realize. There could also be some things that the one you love are struggling with that may have made them a little fragile. Even though they may not seem like big deals to you, for some rea...

What To Do After Marriage To Avoid Ruining Your Relationship

After marriage, many relationships begin to stumble and fall. This doesn't seem like the way it should go. Marriage is supposed to be a great and glorious thing, and much of the time it's exactly that, but the period after marriage can also be a dangerous one for many people. The problem is that before marriage, the relationship was always building towards something. In the early days, you looked forward to the next date. Then you were looking forward to all the little events that make up the beginnings of a relationship. Meeting the parents, meeting the friends, all those little first that make up a life. After all that, you start looking forward to the big events. You move in together, and that's a big thing. Then you start looking forward to the wedding, to the rest of your life. Then you get married. After marriage, things change. After marriage, you start to wonder if this is all there. Most of the little events that you look forward to have happened and all you're...

How You Can Save Marriage By Creating Intimacy

When your marriage hits rocky waters you must firmly believe that you can save marriage in order to save the marriage. If you don't believe that as fact, then there is nothing you do that will make a blind bit of difference. So right now, believe that it is possible for you to save the marriage. A common missing ingredient for marriages in trouble is a lack of intimacy. For a marriage to be happy there must be a level of intimacy that goes beyond the physical and wholeheartedly embraces the emotional. Ask yourself this, “does my marriage suffer from a lack of intimacy?” Are you open and transparent with your spouse? Do you share and include or do you exclude and keep your emotions and emotional needs locked away and try and deal with things on your own? If you exclude your spouse emotionally, then your marriage lacks intimacy and it's time to inject some and get on the road to save marriage. Make sure that you're making every attempt to share your problems and worrie...