Hello, You've got to read this fantastic article I just came across. It's by Randy Bennett, a licensed relationship therapist, who has stumbled onto a special technique you can use to get your man to treat you like he did when you first started dating-- for good! Here it is below-- I hope you enjoy. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Have you ever wondered why some men treat their women like a princess even well PAST the dating phase? Even after many years these guys STILL buy flowers, they remember EVERY special occasion and they give their women their FULL attention when they are with them. They NEVER retreat to the garage, NEVER ignore them to watch the football game on TV and NEVER disappear for hours on end to play golf with their "buddies". Well recent reports from relationship scientists (yes, those do exist!) say that you can actually get that exact SAME love, attention and warmth from your man, ...
Relationship, Advice, Break Up, Making Up