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Showing posts from October, 2009

Good Relationship Break Up Advice That Really Works

Good relationship break up advice is surprisingly hard to come by. The reason this is surprising is because break ups are something that almost everyone goes through at some point. Now granted, some people do find their sweetheart in elementary school, marry them as teens and then live on happily together well into their old age. These are not people to get good relationship break up advice from. Not that people whose longest relationship could be measured on a wristwatch are good advisors either. But even aside from these two extremes, the average person is not a good person to get relationship break up advice from. The reason for this is that most don't really have a clue why their relationships ended or what to do about it. This isn't their fault, either. The truth is, most break ups are simply too painful to allow people to get the right kind of perspective they need. The hurt feeling and broken hearts make it too hard to see the lessons that are there to see. The best rela...

Separation Relationships Can Get Stronger After Heartache

After a separation, relationships can be hard to rebuild. The point of a separation is to see if you can live without each other and to get some time away from your problems to gain some perspective. Unfortunately, people tend to look at a separation as the beginning of the end for a marriage. This doesn't have to be true of every separation: relationships can actually come out the other side stronger and healthier than they ever were before. The key to coming back from a separation is to fix the mistakes and problems that lead to the separation and make sure they stay fixed. A lot of people make an effort to solve the problems to get their significant others back but fail to do the necessary upkeep. This is very much like going on a diet and then expecting to keep the weight off by going back to exactly what you did before. There's a reason why so many people gain the weight back, and it's the same reason there are so many divorces after separation; relationships need main...

A Heartbroken Poem To Bring You Back Together

If you've written a heartbroken poem because you're separated from your loved one, it could be something that can bring you back together. Writing poetry is a good way to deal with a break up. And if you write a really touching heartbroken poem, you might impress your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend with how much you really care. You probably shouldn't write the poem the moment you break up and within an hour rush it over to them to read. A heartbroken poem, to be genuine, is something that will probably take at least a little time to write. You aren’t going to want to just jot down anything that comes to your mind and start reading it out loud to your ex. Something like that will feel false and forced. You want this to be genuine if it's going to help you get back together. You don't have to be a great poet to write a heartfelt poem that can move your ex and make them see things in a different light. So if you've never written a poem before in your life,...

Emotional Infidelity What It Is And How To Recognize It

Emotional infidelity is almost always the first step on the road to cheating, and may well be considered cheating its own right. There is far more to a relationship than just have a physical relationship with only one person and one person only. The truly satisfying and meaningful part of a relationship is the bond you share with the other person. The emotional connection is a deep and integral part of a relationship, which is what makes emotional infidelity so devastating. The true bond in a relationship goes far beyond just physical fidelity; it's a large part of what makes a relationship a relationship. A relationship is about sharing your thoughts, feeling and soul with another. Emotional infidelity is when your significant other begins to form those same kinds of bonds with another person. This almost always goes along with withdrawing from the original relationship. You go from being your significant other's friend and confidant to being a stranger in your own relationshi...

Stages Of A Relationship Understanding Them Makes A Difference

You’re probably not thinking about the different stages of a relationship while you’re with someone. And especially if the relationship is new or restarting after a breakup, it’s not likely on your mind. But if you understand the different stages of a relationship it can help you understand where you are and what’s yet to come. Of all the stages of a relationship, the first stage is probably the most exciting. This is the romance stage, the beginning. There’s dating and getting to know each other, and each of you is on your very best behavior because you want to woo the other person. This stage is often called the honeymoon period, because everything is fresh and new. Everything the other person does probably seems wonderful. You laugh at his jokes, and don’t mind the person’s flaws. In fact, you may even find his flaws endearing. Just like anything new, it can be a great deal of fun and seem adventurous. The next two stages are the make or break stages that many couples never make it...

Scorpio Relationship Watch That Stinger

If you’re in a Scorpio relationship, you may be a very brave soul! Scorpios are wonderful companions, and are fiercely loyal. But when things go wrong, the other person in a Scorpio relationship can end up feeling a bit stung. Scorpios are take charge kind of people, who like being in charge and controlling the relationship. That doesn’t mean you should give in on everything. But it helps if you understand their nature is to automatically try to lead the way in almost every situation. When you feel the need to take charge, simply express yourself and you’ll win your Scorpio’s respect and admiration for standing up for yourself. Scorpios appreciate determination and moxie in a partner, because those are things Scorpios have no shortage of. It may help to understand your partner by knowing that Scorpios relish a challenge. Playing a little hard to get at times might be just the thing. But don’t play too hard to get, because if it seems you’re truly not interested, your partner will lose ...

Secret Relationship Why Keep A Secret

A secret relationship could seem exciting at first, but it can also become a burden to keep the secret. There are legitimate reasons for not telling anyone about a relationship. At some point, the burden of secrecy will probably start to strain the relationship and you’ll have to decide whether not keep it a secret relationship. One of the main reasons for having a relationship with someone secretly is because you worry what other people will think. Maybe your parents or friends would not approve of this person. You should really stop and consider why they wouldn’t approve before having a secret relationship. Your family and friends really just want what’s best for you in most cases. Now and then there are situations where they just want to impose their will on you. But for the most part, they’re looking out for you. Do they feel the person will hurt you, or doesn’t treat you right? Has that person given them reason to think the relationship might not be a good one? If they disapprove ...

Is There A Secret To Relationships

If there were a magic secret to relationships, someone would have already bottled it and made millions of dollars. But there are several ways to make your relationship strong and give it the best chance of lasting a lifetime. Most of them are common sense and some are just reminders of when the relationship was new. None of them is really a secret. • Love. It’s not enough to love your partner, but you have to show them that you love them often. You should never be in a relationship if you don’t feel genuine love for someone, and feel comfortable expressing it. • Respect. If you don’t respect the person you’re with, there’s little hope for the relationship. If you laugh at your partner, feel he or she is often a joke, dumb or worthy of some kind of scorn, then what’s the point? • Kindness. Treat your partner with kindness always. A secret to relationships is to be as courteous when you’re alone and not feeling thrilled at that moment as you would with a stranger on the street. • Thou...

Relationships 101 How To Save Your Relationship

You might think it’s too bad you can’t take a class called relationships 101 in college. They offer math, physics, literature and tons of classes, but a class on relationships is something that could help everyone. Fortunately, you have the skills already to save your relationship and make it better without needed a relationships 101 course. Most relationships, no matter what happens, can be saved. There are a few relationships that shouldn’t be saved, like those that are abusive or really miserable. But most others have the potential to be fixed. That should be lesson number in any relationships 101 class. The problem is, people give up too soon. They’re angry, hurt, upset and it just seems easiest to get out of the situation that made them that way. It’s all too easy to focus only on what’s happening now, and not the past. If the relationship was good at one point, and most were or no one would have stayed in it very long, then it really can be that way again. But people have to look...

Win Love Back Allow Your Ex Time Space

Do you want to win love back? The key is allowing your ex to have a little bit of time to figure out what they want from the relationship. Tim and Rhonda learned this from Tim’s friend Joe. Rhonda stormed out of Tim’s apartment one day saying she never wanted to see him again. Tim was stunned. All he could think about was how to win love back. He called his buddy Joe and asked whether he should send flowers or candy. “Neither,” Joe said. “And don’t call, email, or text her either.” Tim was stunned by this advice. He wanted to win love back right away before Rhonda had a chance to “look around” and find someone better. But Joe told Tim that giving Rhonda the space to “look around” was just what she needed. There was a small chance that she would go forever, but the probability was that she would settle down and come back to him. She must come to the conclusion that their relationship was special on her own terms. Further, Joe advised, it would be bad if Tim looked too desperate...

Relationships And Cheating How To Get Over It

Does it seem like relationships and cheating go to together like chocolate and peanut butter? It can start to when everyone you know has had someone cheat on them. And chances are that you’ve had someone cheat on you. Or when it comes to relationships and cheating, you were the one doing the cheating. Cheating hurts. It hurts the person who’s being cheated on, and believe it or not, it hurts the cheater. The cheater has to hide what he’s doing, probably has to lie to keep it a secret and has to feel the guilt that goes with it. Even if he or she doesn’t seem guilty, they probably secret feel guilty. When there are relationships and cheating occurs, that doesn’t mean the end of the relationship every time. You’ve been in a relationship and you’ve been cheated on, and you’ve gotten back together or you’ve never broken up. Can you really make it work now that the other person has cheated? How do you get over it? Will he cheat again? It’s not easy to save these relationships, and ...

Saving The Scorpio Woman Relationship

So you’ve made up and you’re back in a Scorpio woman relationship. That the Scorpio has agreed to try again is a very good thing, because often when people under this sign end something, it’s for good. Understanding the sign and its tendencies can help you heal your Scorpio woman relationship and make it last. Now that you’re fixing the relationship, look back at what caused the problem. Was there cheating involved? If you cheated, or she thought you were cheating, understand that in the Scorpio woman relationship the potential for jealousy is very high. This sun sign is possessive and jealous by nature. It’s flattering to have someone feel that way about you, to an extent. But when it’s taken to extremes it can make the relationship very tense and the amount of trust between you can suffer. Scorpios are one of the signs more prone to obsession than any other. So if your woman becomes obsessed with the idea that you’ll cheat again, it’s going to be a hard mountain to climb for you to c...